My purpose in life...

I have always known my purpose in life was to be a mom and a wife, although the wife part has not quite gone as planned. But I am starting to think that my other purpose in life is to make people laugh and help them feel just a little better about themselves.

Most of my friends would say I am the absolute perfect candidate for a reality show, a book or maybe even a podcast. The things that happen in my life are straight out of a movie. And not a sweet romantic, Nicholas Sparks movie. More like The Hangover. And not because there's drunken nonsense in my life but because the stuff that happens in The Hangover is just plain ridiculous. From relationships gone wrong to being run over by a semi truck and everything in between... like I can't make this stuff up. I wish I could. Sometimes I honestly just start laughing when I think of all the stuff I have been through. My therapist loves me to death because I just make her laugh for a solid hour. I bring her all these catastrophes that would make most people want to check themselves into mental institutions. But I'm the girl that just laughs and says "It is what it is."

The part that is starting to really make me laugh is that I am just not phased by anything anymore. I mean, yes, some things still sting a bit but within a couple days, I somehow find the humor in it all. And for a lot of people, all of this craziness would make them completely question their purpose or even question if God is real. But for me, all the craziness makes me even more sure about my purpose and it makes me feel the presence of God on a whole different level. These experiences happen to me because He knows I am strong enough to handle them. He knows I will find the humor, I will make delicious lemonade out of lemons and I'll serve it to you on a cute platter with cookies. He knows I will pick myself up, dust of my yoga pants and get on with life. Because I can't just quit life even though nothing ever goes as planned. I've got kids to raise, baseball board meetings to attend, church events to plan. I've got friends who need my help organizing their pantries, friends with babies who need me to hold them while they go take a much needed shower. I will always say my prayers and thank God for all the things that fill my life with joy. I will always pray for those that I think should sit on a cactus. I will always get out of bed, I will always pack my kids their cute little lunches, I will usually always say yes even though my plate is completely full and I will always have an open heart. Because that is just the type of girl I am. I will never stop believing that somewhere on this Earth, is a man God made just for me. I will never stop hoping for the best or stop looking for the good in people. I am who God made me to be and I wasn't put on this Earth to be a cynical, mean spirited witch. No one will ever truly break me, they will just add a little humor that I can then share with someone else to make them laugh.

So Happy Wednesday! Find humor in anything you can. Find someone that needs your help. Find a baby to hold. Know that God loves you, I love you and you can do this.


(Ps. Currently taking applications for a husband! Contact me for a seriously long list of requirements. Ha!)
